Saturday, December 01, 2007

Towel animals

I must mention one neat experience I had during the cruise, something that offset the flashiness, gaudiness and noise. Towel animals! When making up guests' rooms, the housekeeping crew folded towels into animal shapes and placed them on beds. They did it while guests were at dinner. There was a different animal each night: a seal, a dog, a cat, a frog.

Coming from dinner, it was fun to wonder what kind of towel animal we'll find that night.

Towel seal seen on a cruise ship, November 2007 Towel seal, sitting on the bed
Towel dog with sunglasses, seen on a cruise ship, November 2007 Towel dog with sunglasses
Towel cat seen on a cruise ship, November 2007 Towel cat
Towel frog seen on a cruise ship, November 2007 Towel frog

Then on the last day of the cruise there was a workshop on how to make your own towel animals. It was only 30 minutes long, so we only had time to make a dog and a seal. Not because they take that long to make, but because the instructors had to explain the same steps over and over to a million people. Here are the pictures from the towel animal-making workshop, as well as pictures of several kinds of towel animals (including a swan and an elephant).

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