Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Book club crack

I have a confession to make. I volunteered to be a coordinator of a new book club that's forming in Austin. Because the FACT reading group just isn't cool enough for me anymore! :-) Heh heh, just kidding. No, I got so addicted to the FACT reading group experience that I need more book club crack! If seriously, I'm not sure why I'm doing this -- mostly to expand my social horizons, I guess. This book club will be under the auspices of Center For Inquiry. The theme of the club is "science and religion in fiction". We haven't yet decided which books to discuss. The guy who raised the idea of starting this club, and recruited me into coordinating it, thought it should be primarily a science fiction club, dedicated to that rather small part of the genre that actually has science in it. :-)

Though if I was really a pragmatic person, I would find good reasons why I shouldn't be taking this on. Do I not have enough to read as it is? Of course I do. Is it a good idea, then, to commit to reading any more books, some of which won't be in my taste (just like a lot of FACT group books are not in my taste)? Probably not. Will it meet my socializing goals? I have some nebulous and misguided hopes that maybe it will.

In any case, I plan to be sitting in the cafe area of the Barnes & Noble at the Arboretum, with a CFI sign on my table (if I can find a table, that is :-)) this Thursday the 26th, 7 -- 9 pm. All the people of good will are welcome to join. Actually, if no one shows up, that's OK -- I'll just work on my laptop for those two hours. :-) But I think at least one person has already promised to show up. So I may have no choice but to conduct a meeting. The first meeting will be spent choosing the books we might want to read.

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